Five farms in Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts received grant support
Five farms in Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts received grant support Five farms in Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts received grant support under a joint project of the Training and Extension System (TES--Centre) with USAID Agro Trade Activity Project aimed at "Improve dairy productivity and promote integration in the dairy sector by assisting dairy farmers and processors with a comprehensive training and advisory system in two zones of the Kyrgyz Republic: Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts.
Farmer's Day in Tyup gathered the most active agricultural producers of Issyk-Kul
Farmer's Day in Tyup gathered the most active agricultural producers of Issyk-Kul! ❗ Thanks to the Integrated Dairy Sector Productivity Improvement Project, farmers learned new technologies and improved the quality of their products. Farmers noted the value of the training and expressed their gratitude to the project, trainers and consultants.
International Day of Rural Women
On October 15, we celebrate International Day of Rural Women to highlight their contribution to sustainable development and food security. One example is beekeeping - where women are becoming leaders of change and symbols of gender equality.
Exchange of experience of KGFRAS members in Issyk-Kul region
Exchange of experience of KGFRAS members in Issyk-Kul region Another exchange of experience among the members of the Kyrgyz Forum of Agricultural Advisory Services (KGFRAS) took place in Issyk-Kul region. The organization, established in 2020, unites 30 organizations working in the field of agriculture.
National roundtable!
UNDP and TES-Center join efforts to increase the export potential of Kyrgyz honey. Under the UNDP Central Asia Trade Facilitation Project funded by the Government of Finland, the TES-Center is implementing the component “Strengthening the Natural Honey Value Chain. On October 7, a national roundtable on “Increasing the Export Potential of Honey in the Kyrgyz Republic through Improving Honey Quality” was held in Bishkek. The event was attended by representatives of government agencies, beekeeper
Field day “Experience of growing Super Elite potato varieties in Chon Alai district".
On August 22, 2024, a field day was held in Zhar Bashy village, Chon Alai district on “Experience of growing Super Elite potato varieties in Chon Alai district. Implementation of private seed potato control and certification system under KfW project”. The event demonstrated the results of the project and popularized the benefits of producing quality seed potatoes.
Expert mission from the Netherlands on field inspection of seed potatoes
From July 16 to 19, 2024 within the framework of the project “Agrofinance VCD”, a mission of an expert from the Netherlands on field inspection of seed potatoes to Chon-Alai district, Osh oblast took place. The purpose of the visit was to conduct a training workshop on training of local field inspectors.