  National roundtable!
UNDP and TES-Center join efforts to increase the export potential of Kyrgyz honey. Under the UNDP Central Asia Trade Facilitation Project funded by the Government of Finland, the TES-Center is implementing the component “Strengthening the Natural Honey Value Chain. On October 7, a national roundtable on “Increasing the Export Potential of Honey in the Kyrgyz Republic through Improving Honey Quality” was held in Bishkek. The event was attended by representatives of government agencies, beekeeper
Public Foundation “TES-Centre” within the framework of the project “Trade Facilitation in Central Asia” UN Development Programme “Strengthening the natural honey value chain”, funded by the Government of Finland on October 7, 2024 in Bishkek organized a national round table on “Increasing the export potential of honey in the Kyrgyz Republic through improving the quality of honey”. The roundtable was attended by representatives of government agencies relevant to the topic, honey industry cooperatives, honey processing companies, and manufacturers of beekeeping equipment. The participants actively expressed their opinions, which contributed to a lively discussion. The aim of the event was to create a platform for discussing current problems of the honey industry and finding effective solutions. At the end of the round table, a resolution was adopted, which was sent to the relevant government agencies for further consideration and action.