OUR Services
We offer training and consulting services backed by 24 years of practical experience, incorporating the best practical skills we have developed together with our development partners working in Kyrgyzstan in the following areas:
Crop production and livestock advisory services
Crop production and livestock advisory services (training and advisory programme on improved practical crop and livestock technology)
Training and extension on VCD
Training and extension on VCD (training and extension on the development of main crop value chains)
Plant protection and IPM, biological control methods
Plant protection and IPM, biological control methods (development of crop protection programmes to manage plant pests and diseases with minimal environmental impact. Biological control methods include the use of living organisms to control pests. These are effective and environmentally friendly solutions that contribute to sustainable agriculture.
Adult training and effective communication
Adult training and effective communication (effective communication, adult training and extension methodology)
Financing and management of the revolving fund
Financing and management of the revolving fund (our partner MCA Agrocredit Plus provides financial services to project farmers. At the moment, soft loans are available (8-14% per annum) and in accordance with Islamic principles, financing provides funds for production (seeds, fertilisers, plant protection products), agricultural machinery and equipment (based on the NBKR certificate).
Input supply
Supply and provision of inputs (Our partner, Agro Safe Ltd., provides inputs (seeds, fertilisers and IPM) to the project farmers and cooperative members.
SPAC (School of Practical Agribusiness Consultant)
SPAC (School of Practical Agribusiness Consultant) The school is focused on training of agricultural consultants, as the provision of necessary information and advisory service is the main factor for sustainable development of agriculture. The agribusiness consultant assists farmers in improving the efficiency of agricultural production through optimal management decisions, introduction of progressive technology and modern machinery.
Experiments and demonstrations
Эксперимент жана демонстрациялар (эксперименттерди өткөрүү, сортторду жана гибриддерди сыноо, ар кандай айыл чарба өсүмдүктөрүнө коргоо каражаттарын сыноо, демонстрациялык талааларды түзүү жана талаа күндөрүн өткөрүү)
Organisational/institutional development of organisations
Organisational/institutional development of organisations (organisational/institutional development and capacity building of organisations (from farmer groups to farmers' associations, cooperatives, WUAs, agribusiness enterprises), coaching for management, setting up and maintaining accounting.
Conducting business trainings
Conducting business trainings (conducting business trainings and business consulting for actors in agribusiness)
Исследование (Проведение базовых, промежуточных, количественных (экспресс опросы, анкетирование и интервью) и качественных (кабинетное исследование, фокус группа и глубинное) исследований. Консультирование по управлению фермерским хозяйством и анализу экономической эффективности возделывания сельскохозяйственных культур/содержания с/х животных.
Food Safety Standards Training
Food Safety Standards Training (Training, coaching, internal audit and preparation for Global GAP and HACCP certification/implementation)
The public foundation 'Training and Consulting Center' (PF 'TES-Center') annually successfully holds one of the large-scale agricultural fairs - the Agro Expo exhibitions.
The main goal of the exhibition is to bring together suppliers of production inputs (seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products), seedlings, agricultural machinery, equipment, products for the development of livestock farming and other resource-saving technologies and farmers-producers, cooperatives on one site.
Contact us
work time
TES-centre Osh
work time
TES-centre Bishkek