Whom we can help
We aim to significantly increase the income of individuals and companies in Central Asia, for whom agriculture is the main source of income, through the provision of integrated services.
Farmers (for whom the agriculture is a major sources of income)
- Training
- Input supply
- Financing (soft loans are available (8-14% per annum) and in accordance with Islamic principles)
- Marketing
Farmers' associations (cooperation and farms)
- Training
- Input supply
- Financing (soft loans are available (8-14% per annum) and in accordance with Islamic principles)
- Organisational development of organisations
- Marketing
Agribusiness enterprises
- Training
- Input supply
- Financing (soft loans are available (8-14% per annum) and in accordance with Islamic principles)
- Organisational development of organisations
- Marketing
Visit of an expert from the Netherlands
From July 16 to 19, 2024 within the framework of the project "Agrofinance VCD", a mission of an expert from the Netherlands on field inspection of seed potatoes in Chon-Alai district, Osh oblast took place. 🎯 The purpose of the visit was to conduct a training workshop on training of local field inspectors. Among the training participants were representatives of district divisions of the Department of Crop Examination of the Ministry of Agriculture. of the Department of Crop Examination of the
Field Day
On June 26, a field day was held in Tamasha village of Kadamjai district, Batken province. During the event, the technology of increasing resilience to climate change through soil improvement by introducing no-till technology for cereal crops on arable land was demonstrated. The main objective of this event is to effectively utilize arable land and contribute to increasing farmers' incomes. The No-Till (direct seeding) project is implemented by the TES Center, funded by GIZ/AFC.
Field Day
On May 22, Agricultural Comparative "Zoloto Doliny" held a field day in Shark village of Kara-Suu rayon. During the field day, farmers gained valuable knowledge on cultivation of early potatoes. The participants shared their experience in growing new varieties of early potatoes, discussed the peculiarities of agro-technique under changing climate conditions. Information about the activities of the Golden Valley cooperative, which includes more than 60 farmers, was also presented.
Technical assistance for the development of the dairy value chain
Сроки: март 2024 - март 2025
Milk production and processing represent a significant opportunity to increase the incomes of farmers and milk processors. This is achieved through increasing the productivity and optimizing the feeding of dairy cattle, which includes developing the value chain of milk production, increasing the yield of fodder crops and training young specialists (students).
The project is funded USAID Argo Trade Activity
Geographical coverage Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts
“Green economy and sustainable private sector development”
Сроки: 17 июля 2023 года по 15 апреля 2025 года
Creation/development of services that promote
expansion of improved cultivation methods
agricultural crops on rainfed lands and their further
development towards climate-smart /
resource-saving agriculture
The project is funded GOPA AFC
Geographical coverage 1. Zhayyls region, Chuy oblast 2. Kara-Suu region, Osh oblast 3. Kadamzhay region, Batken oblast
Value Chain Agro Finance
Сроки: апрель 2024- апрель 2026
Contribute to improving reproduction
seed potatoes as preliminary
conditions for improving quality of food
potatoes, while maintaining “healthy”
areas for propagation of seeds
The project is funded GOPA AFC
Geographical coverage Chon-Alai region, Osh oblast
To participate in“Agro Expo”
Join us at Agro Expo and together we will create the future of successful agriculture in Kyrgyzstan! To participate in "Agro Expo" fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly.
Contact us
work time
TES-centre Osh
work time
TES-centre Bishkek